Curriculum vitae of Martin Seiter, MBA
Martin Seiter, MBA, has worked at Oberbank since 2006. He started his career as an advisor for retail customers at the Gmunden-Rathausplatz branch where he was soon appointed Branch Manager. At 25, he was the youngest Branch Manager of Oberbank.
Two years later, he was appointed General Manager of the Vöcklabruck Branch – very important for Oberbank’s corporate and business banking – and after another two years of exemplary service, he was promoted to Deputy Head of Business Area Salzkammergut. During this time, he also completed the management academy of Oberbank which is run jointly with Linzer Management Akademie LIMAK.
In 2016, he was appointed Head of Business Area Salzburg and in 2017 he was named Head of the Central Department Retail Customers. In 2018, he took over as Head of Business Area Salzkammergut, merged it with the Business Area Wels and ever since he has been a board member of the Business Area Oberösterreich-Süd, one of the largest and most profitable areas in the core market of Oberbank. During this time, he completed an MBA course of study for global executives.
In 2020, the Supervisory Board appointed him to the Management Board of Oberbank AG.
Supervisory board mandates in Austrian and international companies and other functions:
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Wüstenrot Wohnungswirtschaft registrierte Genossenschaft mit beschränkter Haftung