Different, because:
we want to head towards a more sustainable future together with our employees.
Strategic sustainability goals in the area of employees
80 percent of management positions
from our own ranks
40 percent female leaders in 2030
Diversity, equal opportunities & inclusion
Our employees stand for the values of competence, passion and cohesion – and that is actually lived out in practice. They are not only Oberbank employees but at the same time shareholders and together an important core owner of the bank. Moreover, employees invest their most valuable resources in Oberbank day after day: their time, their talents and their commitment.
The most important human resource management task is therefore to ensure that they make this a long-term investment decision in favour of Oberbank and do not withdraw their investment. This can only be achieved by offering an attractive, meaningful working environment.
- Oberbank as an employer
- Diversity and equal opportunities
Oberbank is a secure and reliable employer. We stand for fairness and equal opportunities. Employees should find long-term employment at Oberbank. There is an unwritten social contract with the works council that no layoffs will be made. Only natural turnover is used to achieve personnel changes and selective savings. There were and are no downsizing or restructuring plans in any area. It has also never been necessary to operate an early warning system or provide social plans.
Attracting and retaining new talent
Oberbank maintains an appreciative and sustainable human resources policy in all phases of life. We are delighted when employees accompany us for a longer period of time as enthusiastic Oberbank colleagues. This can only succeed if we attract the right people to Oberbank. To ensure this, we rely on a professional, multi-stage, efficient and IT-based recruiting process. In addition to classic recruiting, we also conduct active sourcing. On top of that, we have introduced a special tool that employees can use to recommend new talents.
We stand for fairness and equal opportunities as well as long-term employee retention with attractive opportunities for further development.“
Awards – as a sustainable and highly rated employer
In recent years, Oberbank has received several awards as an employer.
Further development of employees: Competence is a top priority
- It is with good reason that competence is one of Oberbank’s core values.
- Competence creates added value for clients and is the most important lever for the professional development of each and every individual.
- To this end, we strongly promote regular training and education in all banking-related, technical, legal and non-technical topics.
- Examples in the area of sustainability: In the corporate client area, there is the training series “Focus on sustainability”, while in the private banking area, advisors complete the certified course “Advising on sustainable investments”.
Health offensive: fostering health holistically
For years, Oberbank has been promoting the health of its employees with a wide range of offers that go far beyond the basic benefits. This is also confirmed by the certification and renewal of the quality seal for workplace health promotion (BGF) since 2013.
For example, specially trained employees are available in all regions as health ambassadors for questions regarding the main topics of nutrition, exercise and mental fitness/stress management. There will also be several workshops on these three main themes. In 2023, the new health offensive GO!2023 was launched under the motto #wirsindfit (#wearefit), offering employees in all countries an even broader and more varied range of options to boost their own well-being.
Since February 2023, employees in all countries have been offered an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to take account of increasing physical and stress-related burdens: employees can take advantage of anonymous and free occupational psychological counselling at any time in a professional and private context.
Oberbank Social Star
In 2022, employees were able to submit their ideas for more sustainability. One of the winning ideas was to create a social award: this resulted in the Oberbank Social Star (Sozialstern).
In 2023, the prize was awarded for the first time at a ceremony to three employees who take responsibility for society and the environment with their voluntary work - the winning projects were supported with prize money of up to EUR 3,000. The Social Star will be awarded again in 2024.
Fotocredit: Oberbank
Diversity and equal opportunities for all are important to us. We want to create a diverse team, from the board to the staff. Age, gender, nationality, sexual orientation or other factors should not be a criterion for exclusion in personnel decisions. On the contrary: we show appreciation for all individuals and want to practice inclusion and equal opportunities in the workplace.
Since we recognise the benefits and opportunities that this diversity brings, we have signed the Diversity Charter. The commitment to respect, anti-discrimination and diversity is also clearly stated in the Code of Conduct for all employees.
Oberbank defines two focal points when it comes to diversity: Gender balance and inclusion. First of all, we are committed to creating equal opportunities and the conditions to increase the number of women in leadership positions. Secondly, we are generally committed to anti-discrimination and diversity – in all areas.
Our measures include, among other things, the company initiative “Opportunity 2030”, to advance gender balance, while our strategic goals also address a planned generational change.
Opportunity 2030 – Achieving greater diversity through gender balance
- Expected generational change due to retirements
- Goal: sustainable gender balance among our executiveswith the milestone for 2030: Proportion of female executives at 40 percent
- Implementation:
- Since January 2019, all new appointments and replacements in management positions have been 50 percent women and 50 percent men.
- Variety of measures such as internal open recruiting, potential development, leave management
- In 2023: the share of female managers rises to 28%.
Generational change from within our own ranks
- Filling vacant management positions at Oberbank primarily from within the bank’s own ranks in order to safeguard the Oberbank vision, the Oberbank values and the Oberbank business model.
- Goal: 80 % managers from within our organisation until 2025
- Implementation with two focal areas:
- Succession planning as early as three to five years prior to retirement, depending on the hierarchical level.
- Comprehensive measures for potential development, personal career planning and time-out management in a structured process - In 2023 96 % managers come from within our own ranks
International conventions and standards as well as our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the area of employees
Oberbank AG acts in accordance with international conventions and standards such as the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the UN Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises or the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in all countries in which it operates. Compliance with the fundamental principles of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, i.e. freedom of association, the right to recognition of collective bargaining, the prohibition of forced, compulsory and child labour as well as the prohibition of discrimination in the workplace, is also of fundamental importance to Oberbank.
Our measures in the area of employees contribute to the achievement of the following United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
We train new staff and focus on financial education, and we are also working to increase the share of women in management positions. Furthermore, our goal is to provide not only decent but meaningful work, for all people, without discrimination of any kind.
Oberbank can only be economically successful if it also assumes its social responsibility.
Environmental & climate protection
We incorporate ecological and social aspects into all our considerations.
Ratings & memberships
Oberbank makes a measurable contribution to sustainable development.
Strategy & guidelines
Oberbank's strategy is based on ethical and ecological values.