Ratings & memberships
Different, because:
passion and good teamwork motivate us to give our best and thrive.
Through our active membership in industry initiatives relevant to CSR, we are committing ourselves to their statutes and guiding principles, thereby affirming our high standards regarding compliance with ethical principles. The sustainability rating by ISS ESG confirms that our ambitious sustainability goals and our transparency are also having an external impact.
Thinking and acting sustainably have always been integral elements of Oberbank’s value-based strategy. We continue to pursue this path with great commitment, now and in the future. In 2019, we implemented a modern sustainability management system at the bank. The topic of sustainability has been an integral part of Oberbank’s overall banking strategy since 2020.
ISS ESG Corporate Rating
An external sustainability rating by the rating agency ISS ESG now confirms that Oberbank is also among the best in the industry in terms of sustainability:
The rating agency ISS ESG has awarded Oberbank the coveted Prime Status. The sustainability rating was confirmed again in December 2023 with the Prime Status, whereby Oberbank was able to improve its rating grade from C to C+.
According to ISS ESG, Oberbank AG is thus among the TOP 10 of 287 rated institutions worldwide in the Financials/Public & Regional Bank sector (as at 28.12.2023). We have also achieved the highest transparency level of ISS ESG "Transparency Level: very high (80-100%)".
All information on the sustainability rating methodology employed by ISS ESG can be found at:
CDP Rating
The CDP rating is considered the gold standard of environmental transparency for listed companies. In its first rating in 2022, Oberbank AG achieved a good result: a B rating. In 2023 Oberbank was rated again by CDP and was able to achieve another good result with the rating grade „B“.
MSCI ESG Research is one of the world's largest providers of ESG ratings. The aim of the MSCI ESG Rating is to reflect a company's resilience to long-term ESG risks. Along a scale of AAA-CCC, key issues are evaluated on the basis of a company's business model. For Oberbank, the following key issues are assessed along the three dimensions E, S and G: In E (Environment) the financing of environmental impacts; in S (Social) the financial protection of customers, human capital, access to the financial market and privacy and data protection; and in G (Governance) corporate governance and corporate behavior. Oberbank received its updated MSCI ESG rating on September 13, 2024: With an improvement from A to AA, Oberbank ranks among the leaders globally.
The use by Oberbank of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (“MSCI”) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of Oberbank Bank AG by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided ‘as-is’ and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.
Memberships in industry initiatives
UN Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest initiative on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development. Oberbank publicly commits itself to enforcing the ten universal principles related to human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption, as well as to supporting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We hereby reaffirm our commitment and support.
The latest version of Oberbank's progress report can be found here
Businesses have a key role to play in implementing the SDGs. Oberbank is aware of its social responsibility and will actively engage in making a contribution to global challenges. Oberbank’s sustainability aspirations are in line with sustainable development goals. This symbiosis is, among other things, the basis for the implementation of corresponding ethical and ecological standards at Oberbank. The following goals have already been anchored within the company and are subject to active monitoring and the measurement of success and progress:
RespACT – austrian business council for sustainable development
When it comes to implementing the SDGs, respACT serves as an important hub between international sustainability organisations such as the World Business Council of Sustainable Development, CSR Europe and the UN Global Compact, as well as public institutions and companies. Oberbank is committed to respACT’s Articles of Association as well as to the principles of its CSR mission statement “Success and Social Responsibility. A Guide to Future-Proofing Your Business.” A part of our sustainability concept involves active participation in the workshops to develop innovative approaches to solutions and the strategic implementation of the global goals.
ÖGUT – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik
The Austrian Society for Environment and Technology (ÖGUT) is an independent non-profit organisation that has been working for a sustainable alignment of the economy and society for more than 30 years. By participating in ÖGUT projects and activities, Oberbank receives additional support in implementing its sustainability
PCAF – Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials
PCAF (Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials) is a global initiative with members working together to develop the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the financial industry to measure and disclose the greenhouse gas emissions of their loans and investments. In doing so, PCAF participants are taking an important step towards assessing climate-related risks, setting targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and developing effective strategies to decarbonise our society.
Charta der Vielfalt
The Diversity Charter is an initiative to promote respect for all members of society - irrespective of gender, age, origin and skin colour, sexual orientation, religion and worldview, or physical or mental disability.
TCFD – Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
TCFD – Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures develops recommendations for climate-related disclosures in the financial sector to promote transparency and comparable, high-quality reporting across the industry. Contents include information on the core elements of governance, strategy, risk management as well as metrics and targets. Oberbank is committed to implementing the TCFD recommendations, an overview of which can be found at the end of the sustainability statement included in the management report for the year under review.
Further informations
SBTi – Science Based Targets Initiative
SBTi – Science Based Targets Initiative is an international organisation that aims at actively involving companies in climate protection. The initiative is considered the internationally recognised gold standard for science-based corporate climate action targets.
Further informations
In the category “Capital Market Oriented Companies – Banks and Insurance Companies”, Oberbank AG was awarded third place for its Sustainability Report 2021. In 2023, Oberbank was awarded second place in the category "Mandatory Reporting" (excluding ATX Prime) for its Sustainability Report 2022.
Strategy & guidelines
Oberbank's strategy is based on ethical and ecological values.
Environmental & climate protection
We incorporate ecological and social aspects into all our considerations.
Oberbank can only be economically successful if it also assumes its social responsibility.
We are heading towards a more sustainable future together with our employees.