

Different, because:
we draw on our strong roots to give back to society.

Oberbank can only be economically successful if it also assumes its social responsibility. That is why we are taking appropriate measures to promote a positive development in society and thus to further secure the sustainability of our business model. In doing so, we focus primarily on activities in our regions.


Our measures in the area of society contribute to achieving the following Sustainable Development Goals:


Keine Armut   Gesundheit und Wohlergehen   Hochwertige Ausbildung   Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum   Weniger Ungleichheiten


By sponsoring charities, contributing to financial education, training new employees and promoting equal opportunities, among other things, we make important contributions to the aforementioned goals.


  • Social commitment
  • Oberbank Art Advisory Board

Financial literacy

As a financial services provider, Oberbank is particularly committed to making a contribution to increasing financial literacy in society. Raising awareness in a sustainable way can only be successful if education starts at a young age.


Oberbank strengthens financial competences and knowledge of sustainable investment opportunities through:

  • Lectures and workshops in schools and universities (e.g. lectures at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and sustainability events at regional companies on the topic of sustainability)
  • academic theses and university projects in the field of sustainability (in cooperation with Johannes Kepler University Linz and the University of Applied Sciences (FH) Salzburg)


The online magazine is only available in German, please find it here


Donations and sponsorships

As a successful financial enterprise, Oberbank is aware of its social responsibility towards society and exercises this responsibility, among other things, in the form of targeted donations& sponsorships.
Donations& Sponsorship should not be an end in itself, but rather require a targeted selection of sponsoring partners and a strategic approach. Oberbank’s primary objective is to contribute to social and economic stability through donations& sponsoring.

To name a few of our sponsorships:

  • Sports: Oberbank Linz Danube Marathon, ULC Linz, the women’s football team of TSV Ottensheim
  • In the cultural field, in addition to events, for example, St. Florian Boys’ Choir, the Operetta Festival, the Anton Bruckner Private University and the Linz School of Music.


To name a few of our donations:

  • In the social sector, for example, Volkshilfe, volunteer fire brigades, Caritas and Kinderkrebshilfe (children’s cancer charity) (children's cancer charity). Further support goes to public institutions such as educational establishments and hospitals.


For further details on our ongoing sponsorships and donations


Sponsorship guidelines: Our values, regionalism and anti-discrimination as key elements


All of Oberbank’s sponsoring and charitable donation activities are based on the following strategic guiding principles:

  1. In keeping with the strategy and the values of the Bank
  2. Relevant contribution to Oberbank and society
  3. No activities that could adversely affect the well-being of society or negatively affect a large proportion of stakeholders
  4. With an established benefit, aim to carry out sponsorships in the long term
  5. Openness and curiosity, including for innovative, small projects
  6. Credo “in the region, for the region”: focus on regional projects
  7. No discrimination: Neither political affiliation nor gender, denomination or origin of the applicants may influence their selection.


Every major sponsorship of Oberbank is based on a contract that specifies all services to be rendered by the sponsor and the recipient of the sponsorship. The sponsorship recipients usually provide corresponding documentation of the activities carried out (pictures, press articles, etc.).


For more information on exactly which activities are sponsored by Oberbank, please follow this link


Sustainability Award FERONIA

In 2023, Oberbank joined forces with OÖ Nachrichten and the State of Upper Austria to award the FERONIA Sustainability Award for the first time.  This award is presented to sustainable and climate-conscious companies, initiatives and associations based in Upper Austria. The winners are selected by a panel of mostly independent judges and representatives of the sponsoring organisations with broad expertise in sustainability, ranging from environmental and social issues to arts and culture. In 2024 the FERONIA was awarded for the second time


The four categories for FERONIA 2024

  • Sustainable Through& Through
  • Sustainable Products& Services
  • Diversity of Sustainability
  • Learning and Teaching Sustainability


At the FERONIA Gala on 14 March 2024, the Sustainability Award was ceremoniously presented in these four categories.

Further information on the Sustainability Award FERONIA


In 2025, the FERONIA Sustainability Award will again be presented to sustainable and climate-conscious companies, initiatives and associations in the region of Upper Austria.

Further information on the application process



Partnership with impactory– platform for social commitment

impactory is a platform for social engagement that supports companies in making their social engagement interactive and measuring their impact. impactory connects committed companies and charitable projects via a donation platform. In order to be able to actively involve employees, customers and business partners in our social commitment and to generate more awareness for charitable projects, Oberbank has entered into a partnership with impactory.


To Oberbank’s own impact page



Oberbank has always endeavoured to acquire works of art – especially paintings – and to display them in the branches as well as at the head office. The Oberbank Art Advisory Board was established to ensure professional management, from the selection and purchase of the works of art to their exhibition. Formally, the Art Advisory Board acts in accordance with the provisions of its Advisory Board Rules.


The Oberbank Collection at a glance

The Oberbank Collection currently comprises more than 8,200 works by national and international artists, some of which are also compilations of works by historical artistic figures, such as Egon Hofmann. Only the most valuable and significant works are assigned to the “art collection” category. Particularly high-quality acquisitions were made in 2017 for the new bank building, including works by Helmut Bruch, Angela Bulloch, Oliver Dorfer, Brigitte Kowanz, Julian Opie, Lois Renner, Günther Selichar and Esther Stocker, Maria Moser, Anselm Glück, Christian Ludwig Attersee und Lena Göbel.


The most important cornerstones of Oberbank’s strategy in expanding and maintaining its art collection are:


  • Regionalism
    Oberbank sees its branches as an essential projection surface for its art collection. The intention is to exhibit mainly works by artists from the respective region.
  • Young art
    Our collection focuses on the acquisition of young Austrian contemporary art of appropriate quality and with the corresponding potential to increase in value. Based on the same criteria, the circle of artists to be included in the collection is to be extended to the regions in which Oberbank is active.
  • Gender neutrality
    In accordance with the principles of equal opportunity applicable at Oberbank, which are also published in the Code of Conduct, the collection must pay particular attention to gender neutrality.
  • Quality
    Reconciling the quality standards of the collection with the available budget is a major challenge for Hon.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Martin Hochleitner, Director of the Salzburg Museum, who serves on the Art Advisory Board in a consulting function.


Purchasing decisions are made in the advisory board meetings with the advice and support of the representative Dr. Martin Hochleitner, Director of the Salzburg Museum. The advisory board is also accompanied and advised by this expert when it comes to local purchases. The Oberbank Collection currently comprises more than 8,200 works by national and international artists, some of which are also compilations of works by historical artistic figures, such as Egon Hofmann. Only the most valuable and significant works are assigned to the “art collection” category. Particularly high-quality acquisitions were made in 2017 for the new bank building, including works by Helmut Bruch, Angela Bulloch, Oliver Dorfer, Brigitte Kowanz, Julian Opie, Lois Renner, Günther Selichar and Esther Stocker, Maria Moser, Anselm Glück, Christian Ludwig Attersee und Lena Göbel.


An example from the Oberbank art collection: “Edition 28”

In 2021, a new series of prints with special references to Linz was launched with “Edition 28”. The name of the series refers to the starting point, Obere Donaulände 28, e.g., the address of the Oberbank headquarters. The first issue was designed by Oliver Dorfer and shows his personal picture of Linz. Subsequently, other artists will creatively present their associations with the city.

Ein weiteres Beispiel aus der Oberbank Kunstsammlung: „Edition 28“

Our picture of die year 2024

Art by Brigitte Kowanz with the title „1234567890“

Art by Brigitte Kowanz with the title „1234567890“; Photocredit: Violetta Wakolbinger


Brigitte Kowanz deals with light, language, writing and codes within her artwork. She uses various light sources, glass, foil and mirrors. Depending on the viewer‘s point of view, the structure of the object results in an infinite number of reflections and delimitations of light, form and space.


Environmental & climate protection

We incorporate ecological and social aspects into all our considerations.


Strategy & guidelines

Oberbank's strategy is based on ethical and ecological values.



We are heading towards a more sustainable future together with our employees.


Ratings & memberships

Oberbank makes a measurable contribution to sustainable development.